Brains, Minds and Machines

The goal of this course is to help produce a community of leaders that is equally knowledgeable in neuroscience, cognitive science, and computer science and will lead the scientific understanding of intelligence and the development of true biologically inspired AI.

Methods in Computational Neuroscience

MCN introduces students to the computational and mathematical techniques that are used to address how the brain solves problems at levels of neural organization ranging from single membrane channels to operations of the entire brain.

Neural Systems & Behavior

This course provides broad training in modern approaches to the study of neural mechanisms underlying behavior, perception, and cognition.

Gene Regulatory Networks for Development

This course introduces the concepts of Gene regulatory networks (GRNs), and teaches experimental and computational methods used to study them, through highly interactive lectures, discussions, group projects, and practical tutorials.

Zebrafish Development and Genetics

Over the past 25 years, the zebrafish has emerged as a powerful model system for the study of vertebrate development and disease. This course will focus on the development and genetics of zebrafish and will cover time proven as well as novel technologies geared towards their application in zebrafish.

Workshop on Molecular Evolution

The workshop serves graduate students, postdocs, and established faculty from around the world seeking to apply the principles of molecular evolution to questions of anthropology, conservation genetics, development, behavior, physiology, and ecology.