Types of Visas

The Consular Officer at a US embassy will have the final say in determining which visa category a traveler needs based on the purpose of travel and the supporting documentation.

Ordering Vertebrates

Use of vertebrates at the MBL is regulated by the MBL Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) and requires an approved IACUC protocol.


Marine organisms, with their many unique characteristics and traits honed over millions of years of evolution, represent the next frontier of basic biological discovery.

The Keck Facility

The Keck Facility at the Josephine Bay Paul Center (JBPC) is equipped for Sanger and Next-Gen sequencing.

General Use Rooms

The General Use Equipment Rooms supply year-round and summer investigators with instrumentation, some owned by MBL and some on loan.

The National Xenopus Resource

The National Xenopus Resource (NXR) is located at the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, and serves as a national stock center for X.


All individuals performing research at the MBL on vertebrate animals are required to obtain approval from the MBL Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.