10th Aquatic Models of Human Disease Conference was held Oct 6-10, 2022

AQMHD Conferences bring together PIs, post-docs, and students and include all varieties of aquatic research organisms used to understand human diseases. After postponing this conference due to the COVID pandemic for two years, we are excited to bring the Aquatic Models Community back together in person.

The overall theme of this year’s conference is Emerging Models and Research Organisms. Our program highlights and publicizes recent advances in aquatic model research for determination of human disease etiology and to address environmental health issues.

We will also have a one-day workshop on the first day (Oct 6) on Genomic Tools for Aquatic Models to specifically address the challenges and opportunities of the genomics revolution and to discuss community standards for the functional annotation of aquatic genomes and their integration among each other as well as with human genome data.

Featured Aquatic Model Systems

Sponges | Hydra | Jellyfish | Planarians | Platynereis | Cephalopods | Aplysia sea slug | Nudibranchs | Cone snails | Sea urchin | Sea star | Amphioxus | Tunicates | Lamprey | Sharks and Rays | Zebrafish | Cavefish | Platyfish | Medaka | Killifish | Cichlids | Lungfish | Axolotl | Xenopus | and many more!

AQMHD Model Species

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If you have any questions or concerns please email us.