Board of Trustees Committees

Executive Committee

Bill Huyett, Chair
Saul J. Pannell, Vice Chair
Christopher G. Kennedy
Nipam H. Patel
Dyann F. Wirth

Academic and Campus Strategy Committee

Dyann F. Wirth, Chair
Peter D. Barbey
Juan J. de Pablo
Susan M. Fitzpatrick
David A. Greene
Avram Hershko                                                  
Catherine E. Hibbitt
Constance T. Keller
Jean A. King
William A. Linton
Walter E. Massey
Brien O’Brien
Max P. Rosen
John W. Rowe
Lewis T. Williams
Patrice O. Yarbough

Audit and Risk Committee

Saul J. Pannell, Chair
Juan J. de Pablo
David A. Greene
Constance T. Keller
John W. McCarter
Brien O’Brien
Ronald P. O’Hanley
Robert Rosiello
John W. Rowe
Dyann F. Wirth
Patrice O. Yarbough

As of July 1, 2024

Development Committee

Christopher G. Kennedy, Chair
Peter D. Barbey
Susan M. Fitzpatrick
Margaret J. Fofonoff
Avram Hershko
Catherine E. Hibbitt
David Johnson
William Huyett
Ethan A. Lerner
William A. Linton
Walter E. Massey
Timothy A. Springer
Catherine Thomas
Samme L. Thompson

Nominating and Governance Committee

*Chris Kennedy, interim Chair until Nominating and Governance Committee Chair is named
Margaret J. Fofonoff
Bill Huyett
Ethan A. Lerner
John W. McCarter
Ronald P. O’Hanley
Saul J. Pannell
Timothy A. Springer
Samme L. Thompson