MBL, WOODS HOLE, MA—The MBL Associates are pleased to announce the second season of Science Before Supper, a series of talks co-sponsored by the Falmouth Public Library. The free talks, presented by MBL scientists, are designed especially for nonscientists. Each will be held in the library’s Hermann Foundation Meeting Room, 300 Main Street, Falmouth at 5:00 PM. The short presentations are followed by a time for questions and answers. Light refreshments will be served.

The series will kick off on Thursday, November 21 with MBL adjunct faculty member Joseph DeGiorgis who will present Moving Cargoes in Neurons: I Think My Squid Has Alzheimer’s.

The full Science Before Supper schedule is as follows:

November 21, 2013
Moving Cargoes in Neurons: I Think My Squid Has Alzheimer’s, But I Forget
Joseph DeGiorgis, Assistant Scientist, Providence College; Adjunct Faculty, Cellular Dynamics Program, MBL

January 9, 2014
It’s Not the Age, It’s the Miles: Understanding Biological Time
Jonathan Gitlin, MBL Deputy Director for Research and Programs; Senior Scientist; Director of the Bell Center for Regenerative Biology and Tissue Engineering

February 13, 2014
Welcome to the Plastisphere: the New World of Microbes Living on Ocean Plastic
Linda Amaral-Zettler, Associate Scientist, The Josephine Bay Paul Center for Comparative Molecular Biology and Evolution, MBL

March 13, 2014
Toadfish in Space
Stephen Highstein, Senior Scientist; Associate Program Director, Program in Sensory Physiology and Behavior, MBL

For more information about the Science Before Supper series, contact the MBL Communications Office at (508) 289-7423; comm@mbl.edu or the Falmouth Library at (508) 457-2555.


The Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) is dedicated to scientific discovery and improving the human condition through research and education in biology, biomedicine, and environmental science. Founded in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, in 1888, the MBL is a private, nonprofit institution and an affiliate of the University of Chicago.

The MBL Associates are a group of individuals and businesses that support the scientific mission of the MBL through their gifts to the Annual Fund. The Associates sponsor educational and research programs for the MBL and raise funds for special projects. In addition, they operate the MBL Gift Shop, located on Water Street in Woods Hole, the profits from which support scientific fellowships.