"Then Along Comes a Predator" | BBC Wildlife Magazine

A Forbes sea star drapes its arm over a bay scallop in this screenshot. Video credit Nipam Patel, filmed by BioQuest Studios at the MBL

Marine scientists have shared nail-biting footage of a scallop about to be eaten for lunch by a hungry sea star. 

“This video begins with a bay scallop (Argopecten irradians) sitting peacefully, peering out with its dozens of deep blue eyes,” says Nipam Patel, Director at the Marine Biological Laboratory. “Then along comes a predator, Forbes sea star (Asterias forbesi), crawling forward on its tube feet.”

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A Forbes sea star hunts a bay scallop. Video credit Nipam Patel, filmed by BioQuest Studios at the Marine Biological Laboratory

The video shows the sea star using its tube feet – tiny organs on the underside of the starfish that help it move and eat – to creep slowly towards the scallop. Step by tiny step, it pulls itself onto the scallop until one arm has reached all the way to the front of the shell. Read the rest of the article here.

Source: "Then Along Comes a Predator" BBC Wildlife Magazine